Your treatment plan will be tailored to your individual situation and needs.
Use of various frequencies to balance, harmonize, unblock and repair your body’s cells.
Change your life
Let us help you find the relief you are looking for.
Frequently Asked Questions
Although two people have the same disease, the root cause may be different.
What to expect in a session:
The Natural Health Consultant, Mrs. Binder, will speak with you and take all your information. You will discuss in detail your complaint(s). Mrs. Binder will talk to you about possible solutions to your problem(s) and explain to you in detail how the majority of sicknesses form and what you can do about it.
We know your pain, your desperation, your fear and your frustration. We will work with you so you don’t have to feel so helpless or “stuck” any longer. Your treatment plan will be tailored for your individual situation and needs.
Please contact us by phone or email to schedule an appointment for a confidential wellness and health consultation, free of any obligation.

Pregnant Women Meeting At Ante Natal Class
Are you pregnant or planning to have a child?
This world has changed. Drastically. We have never had to deal with that many toxins in our food, in our clothing, in furniture, mattresses, in our cosmetics etc.; and the list is just
too long to list them all here.
According to the latest statistics from
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), developmental delays affect 1 out of 6 or 7 children.
It is important to realize that most disease, be it autism, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, neurodegenerative diseases or anything else, are rooted in some form of imbalance; imbalances in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, the immune system and/or mitochondrial dysfunction.
There is so much you can do when you are pregnant or better even, before you get pregnant, to protect yourself and that unborn child.
Binmor Wellness will discuss with you in detail what you can do to protect your child while it is growing inside of you, and how you can make it strong inside of you, before it comes into this world. And believe us……..the subject is much more complex than a jar of “PreNatal Vitamins”.
There is some important information that you should know in order to prepare for a healthy child.
Of course, you will have your OBGYN who will discuss with you what you have to do and when, and oversees the progress of your pregnancy. But in addition, if you want to take that extra step. If you want a little bit more information than what is normally given out. Binmor Wellness will discuss with you topics that the OBGYN cannot, because of time reasons. We will talk to you in detail how to protect yourself and keep yourself as healthy as possible, so that child, that you will create or have created already, is as healthy and as safe as possible, when it enters this world.
Come and talk to a Natural Health Consultant. You will be surprised how much you can do in order to protect your unborn child.
“And to all of you out there, who would like to give something special to a Pregnant Woman, purchase a Gift Certificate for a Consultation. A more precious Gift she will not receive before the child comes.”
Have you just been diagnosed with cancer?
Would you like to know what else is out there in order to combat this sickness?
Did you decide to do Chemo-Therapy and would like to go into the procedure with your physical body strong and prepared?
Are you in Chemo-Therapy and experience side effects, like “metal-mouth” , nausea or scalp ache etc.?
We were able to help quite a few a people already with our approaches. We are confident that our treatment methods will have an answer for you as well.
You will be surprised how much you can actually do against this sickness. We will change the way you look at this disease.
Start getting your wellness back.
Our treatment plan will be tailored to your individual situation and needs. Please contact us by phone or email to schedule an appointment for a confidential wellness and health consultation, free of any obligation.
It is the only device on the market that combines Focused Pulse Electromagnetic Fields with Pulse-Biofeedback. This amazing invention combines sound low frequencies with pulsed electromagnetic frequencies to balance and support the various functions of the body.
“ONDAMED”, a Latin word meaning medical frequency waves, was invented by the German Physicist Rolf Binder, in the 1990’s, who combined the electro-magnetic discoveries of Dr. Voll in the 1950’s, the treatments of parasites in the 1930’s by Dr. Royal Rife, and the pulse theory by Dr. Paul Nogier of the 1970’s. ONDAMED has 20+ years of research behind it in Germany. This innovative and effective medical system has been in the United States for approximately 15 years now.
ONDAMED uses pulsed sound and electro-magnetic low frequency waves to balance, harmonize and unblock cells within the body. By unblocking certain pathways and providing Dr. Rife’s concepts of microbial frequency elimination, the body’s innate ability to fight microbes and infections, balance hormone function, DETOXIFY, and to reduce inflammation and pain is heightened and supported.
Conditions in the body that were once “stuck” or stagnant become activated as a result. Because ONDAMED provides pulsed-frequencies, which correlate to the frequencies of various microbes and toxins, the body has a chance to produce counter pulses in between the ONDAMED pulses, thereby, accelerating and supporting functions of the immune-, detoxing-, hormonal-, musculoskeletal-, cognitive- and non-cognitive systems and assisting the body in clearing the Matrix.
The Matrix is the area between the cells were the majority of the communication between the cells occurs. Toxins, infections, and intercellular miscommunication often occur in the Matrix leading to chronic disease and inflammation. The pulsed=frequency used by the ONDAMED help support the Matrix function of intercellular communication and detoxification to achieve homeostasis.
It is the tendency of an organism or a cell to regulate its internal conditions. Usually by a system of feedback controls, so as to stabilize HEALTH and functioning, REGARDLESS of the outside changing conditions. Homeostasis is involved in the maintenance of the constant internal environment of the body which includes the function of heart, liver, kidney, skin and so much more.
In Humans, the easiest homeostasis happens, for example, when the body regulates body-temperature in an effort to maintain an internal temperature around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. For example, we sweat to cool off during the hot summer days, and we shiver to produce heat during the cold winter season. This is an example of well working homeostasis.
Word Origin: Homeostasis/Greek: homeo, meaning “Unchanging” + stasis, meaning “Standing”.
To identify which pulsed-frequency should be used, a variation of Dr. Nogier’s pulse technique, which incorporates signals from the Autonomic Nervous System, is used. The patients pulse is monitored for slight changes in rhythm and quality when the ONDAMED frequencies are brought into the patient’s electromagnetic field. If there is a positive “Nogier-Pulse-Reaction”, it indicates that that particular frequency is needed to re-establish homeostasis in the body.
All ages from infants to adults can be treated with ONDAMED. Those with pace-makers should not be treated.
ONDAMED is safe and there are no side effects. A detox reaction or Herxheimer reaction MAY occur as a result of DETOXIFICATION. The Herxheimer reaction can produce slight nausea, fatigue, headache, skin conditions etc. These reaction are rare and if they occur at all, are temporary symptoms and are the body’s response to clearing out toxins through the blood into the lymphatic system and through the excretory organs. The most common Herxheimer reaction of the ONDAMED after the first or second treatment is temporary fatigue which resolves in no time.
Almost anyone with any type of condition, mild or severe, can benefit from ONDAMED. The ONDAMED is an excellent addition to any type of medical or naturopathic treatment plan.
In her wonderful new book BREAKTHROUGH, Eight Steps To Wellness, Suzanne Somers – actress, author and zealous crusader for anti-aging medicine and alternative methods – writes about what makes us age, what makes us sick, and how breakthrough technology such as ONDAMED delivered “truly miraculous” results. We thank you, Suzanne, for spreading the word. Here’s an excerpt:
“There is always enthusiasm and energy around breakthroughs and new advances in natural healing, and it is exciting to be around doctors who have made the leap to change. I have been especially interested in lymphatic relief (selfishly), and I came across yet another marvelous invention called the ONDAMED machine. This is a very sophisticated new piece of equipment you need to urge your doctor to purchase. It is a cellular-electrical-biofeedback machine and purports to have miraculous effects for acute-pain management and lymphatic congestion, among other things. This machine has been used successfully since 1993. It is a “spectrum of low-level pulsing magnetic fields that induce the flow of micro-currents within the tissues of the patient.” Okay, in English this means it is able to locate underlying dysfunction and provide a treatment for the patient. It can pinpoint the location of pain, which doesn’t necessarily mean where the pain manifests. For instance, your pain may be in your knee, but the ONDAMED machine can tell where the pain originated, which might be in your kidney. Safe and noninvasive, it promotes improved circulation, wound healing, bone re-growth, and pain relief, for conditions such as fibromyalgia. These conditions resolve quickly, as though the body simply needs a small signal to jump-start the healing process.
I now use the ONDAMED machine and the results have been truly miraculous. In just a short period of time I am no longer experiencing pain, swelling, or tenderness in the breast, and the most exciting part of this treatment is that it requires no pharmaceuticals. ”
From Breakthrough: 8 Steps to Wellness by Suzanne Somers, copyright © 2008 by Suzanne Somers. Published by Crown Publishers, an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York.
A Swedish-Massage affects your nervous system through nerve endings in your skin, stimulating the release of endorphins, which are natural “feel-good” chemicals.
Getting a Swedish massage will relax you deeply.
Enjoy a Massage today in our comfortable, caring and warm private atmosphere that only our beautiful Massage Room offers.
And no more uncomfortable or even stressful “time guessing”. Take your time…..relax.
We offer a unique “Call the Therapist into the Room” Button, which is located at your massage table. Whenever you are ready for the Therapist to enter the room, just call him with just a push of a button. Care from the Heart, Comfort and Relaxation is our Motto! It’s all about You!!
Come, relax and enjoy, and book a Swedish Massage.

Binmor Wellness is not all “dead-serious”. We also offer something else for your health. A complete anti-aging-anti-stress Program.
Binmor Wellness is all about Cellular Health. Our Anti-Aging –Anti-Stress Program is designed to go deep into your Cellular Communication System. Gentle Focused Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields go deep into your cellular system to refresh your cells. Without needles or pain your skin will have lesser wrinkles and you will look more youthful over time. All this and in edition our German “Gute Nacht” Tissue Salt Night Cream will make you look beautiful. You can purchase in our Office 3 different Night Creams that will make your skin look radiant. For more information please contact us through our contact form, phone or e-mail.
Come and book our “Anti-Aging-Anti-Stress Program”. It is designed for all of you out there, who think they could use some relaxing, rejuvenation and calming in their lives.
And since this Anti-Aging treatment is all Cellular related, you don’t have to remove any clothing; you can come with your full make-up. You just lay down on a table and we will treat you with low frequency electromagnetic pulses. It is non-invasive, dry and comfortable.
Gift Certificate
If you want to give the Gift of Health, consider purchasing our very stylish and beautifully designed Gift Certificate in the colors of Black and Gold.
It does not expire and it is transferable.
You can purchase in the Amount of $25.00 – $500.00.
You will never lose money when you purchase a Gift Certificate from Binmor Wellness. Pick it up here at our office or have it mailed to you.
Shipping and handling is on us.
Please contact us to set up arrangements.

Real Success Stories
Bringing new hope for people with
diseases, illnesses, injuries and emotional trauma